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Adhesive Capsulitis AKA Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder also known as Adhesive Capsulitis, is a common, very painful disorder that around 2-5% of Americans suffer from at some point in their lives. Frozen shoulder can be a result of a surgery or trauma to the arm or shoulder, however, it can also come about for an unknown reason which classifies it as an idiopathic condition.

Frozen shoulder has been linked with thyroid disorders, diabetes, and strokes, but having one of these conditions, it does not guarantee you will get frozen shoulder. Research also shows women are more prone to this disorder, nonetheless, men still get it too.

In the image below, the three stages of frozen shoulder are laid out. Stage 1: Freezing Phase: This phase is where range of motion starts to decrease and pain begins to increase. Stage 2: Frozen Phase: This stage is the most painful and motion is very limited and stiff. During the end of the phase, some pain will begin to reduce. Stage 3: Thawing Phase: This stage is where pain significantly reduces to no pain and movement and range of motion also return.

Some will only have frozen shoulder for a couple of months, while others will deal with it for a few years, but with the addition of physical therapy, the process can be expedited.



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